Author: Elisa Balabram (Page 3 of 21)

Muscle and Life Toning - Thoughts for the New Year

muscleSince my experience with taking Ballet Fit classes earlier this year, I've been asking myself what else is possible? If I could, in a relatively short period of time, reach a level of stretching I hadn't experienced in a long time, what other “muscles” or areas of my life do I wish to practice or develop? How often do I need to do it?

It is certain that only four months later, and not having exercised since, I no longer can stretch as I did the last class I attended. I figured that all spiritual practices, business activities, and behavioral patterns are the same way. At first they seem difficult, almost impossible, and as we commit to mastering them, we slowly see small changes, until it reaches a point that the results are truly noticeable. Then, in some cases, we stop practicing, and only get back to it when old patterns somehow bother us again.

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Acknowledging and Appreciating a Friend’s and Your Own Essence

EssenceFor almost two years, I’ve had an accountability partner, Lara Simmons. We speak every Friday for about 20 minutes, though sometimes we have longer conversations and sometimes shorter ones. Through the support from each other, we’ve worked on our books, arts, blogs, challenges, and successes. On the first day of Chanukah, I opened my apartment door, to find an envelope from her. She lives in Seattle and we have yet to meet in person. Inside the envelope, there were eight carefully wrapped gifts to be opened one a day. I was filled with joy and love. Lara put so much effort and love into the gifts that made me overcome with emotions. I was on my way out, and when I got back I sent her an email, unsure if words could represent what I was feeling, and how much her gesture touched my heart.

Each day I waited for the evening with anticipation to open the next gift, trying to guess what was inside based on what she wrote in each numbered note. For example, gift 4 said “Because it always helps”, and I figured it was a chocolate bar, and it was! The last one, though, I had assumed it was a writing notepad for new creative projects, but it was a sketch pad, and it made me giggle. All of them had a deeper meaning, which can only come from someone who listens, who is present during conversations, who recognizes the essence of being, and who takes the time to care and appreciate someone’s truth and essence. I felt seen and heard.

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Before the Year Ends – You Can Transform Your Life

Love2As the end of the year approaches, what can you change, transform and achieve before December 31st that will enhance your life’s experience?

I’ve started a creative project about a month ago, working on designs, which will possibly be in T-shirts, mugs or journal covers. Although I’m not sure on the format, I can tell you that working on it, playing with colors, backgrounds, papers, texture, and tools have brought me great joy. And even if I don’t launch it this year, or ever, when I shared the first design with a few people who got it, and felt inspired by it, I received and felt their Love.

How about you? If you didn’t have to wait for the new year, and you could experience a personal transformation in the next 21 days, what would you like to focus on?

Before you continue reading, I invite you to sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe. Place your hands on your heart. Then, breathe into your heart’s space and ask you heart what it needs this month. What does your heart and soul want to experience?

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Committing to a Daily Self-? Practice

singlestepAfter Hay House promoted Dr. Wayne Dyer’s books (R.I.P) a few weeks ago, I purchased and read his memoir I Can See Clearly Now. I recommend it, as he shared his incredible journey to become all that he was in life, the synchronicities, the lessons learned, the roadblocks and challenges, the inspiration, and his life’s purpose. One thing he mentioned right from the start was that he knew from a young age that he had to become self-reliant. Then, he shared that he always told himself “I’m a teacher”, and how he went on to teach others about self-reliance.

Dr. Wayne Dyer encourages his readers to consider what they can see clearly now. I’m taking my time to come up with my list. In the meantime, while reading his book, I resonated with his journey, as I’ve always felt like I was a teacher in my soul. Most of my life, every time I learned something new/interesting/revealing, I've shared it with anyone who would listen. That’s probably one of the reasons I became a coach, writer, speaker and also a lecturer. In terms of self-development, my life’s main area of focus for some time has been to practice self-love. If you’ve been a reader of my blog, you know that towards the end of 2013 I hosted the first 30-day self-love challenge, which ended up spreading to 45 days. Each day I came up with a practice worth sharing, wrote a blog post* and shared the link on Facebook.  A few months ago I decided to do it again, and came up with some new practices.

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Conversations with the Wisdom of the Full Super Moon Eclipse in Aries

moon 015On Sunday night I left my home at around 9:30pm to see the moon eclipse. As I was walking towards the shore, I could see the eclipse starting to cover the moon and it was fascinating. When I got to the shore, I watched until the moon was fully covered and had the reddish look. My attempts to capture the moment, the moon and the pinkish clouds with my phone’s camera, didn’t work out so well.

After a brief meditation and grounding exercise, I asked if there were any messages to share with my readers from the moon, and this is what I wrote in my notepad. If you were trying to see it from NYC, you may have gotten frustrated as I did, that the clouds kept covering the moon. It turns out that there was a lesson from the clouds as well. Here is the message I wrote:

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The Opportunities that Come Up from Healing and Letting Go

Elisa and BalletAfter writing about my childhood and teenage years attending ballet classes, I had no idea what would unfold next. Over the years, much healing took place but I never thought I’d attend another ballet class in my life.

While visiting my hometown in Brazil, and since I was going to stay there awhile, I managed to sign up for the gym where I took dance classes as an adult, before moving to NY. They informed me that they had a dance class similar to the one I used to take, being offered twice a week in the evenings, and twice a week at 10:30am. I attended the Monday evening rhythms dance class and although it wasn’t great, it felt good to be dancing again.

The next day I showed up for the morning class as it was going to be with a different teacher. When I realized that the classroom was occupied with a different class passed the starting time, I went back to the front desk. I then learned that the morning dance class had been cancelled. Needless to say that I got disappointed, I had after all signed up the previous Friday to attend that specific class. The lady at the front desk said that the class had been replaced with an 11am class called Ballet Fit.

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Commitment to Achieve a Goal or Master a Skill

IMG_7004Last year I had the opportunity to teach one of my nephews how to tie his shoes. He understood the mechanics of it quickly, but got frustrated when he couldn't get it done right away. I told him there was no need to get frustrated, he needed to try it 100 times to become good at it, and if he still didn't get it, fine, he could feel the frustration then. He looked at me in disbelief and asked “one hundred times?”, and I said yes. When I saw him again the next day, he was already a pro. I don't know if he kept practicing it, 100 times could have been an exaggeration on my part.

Since then, I've been thinking about the things I gave up trying, sure I would never get it. A simple example is making rice. In my lifetime, I think I've tried to cook rice about five times, and failed miserably every time. Since the experience with my nephew, I told myself that I couldn't give up on making rice forever, though my latest attempt also failed.

The same can be applied to business skills, to marketing, and to mastering any craft, or anything that you want to accomplish. You may have have heard about the 10,000 hours rule of dedication to become the master in one's craft, which was mentioned in Malcolm Gladwell's book Outliers. Are you willing to invest your time, dedication, commitment, into whatever it is you wish you already knew, you wish you could do with ease and grace?

How about committing yourself to a 100-day challenge, of practicing your craft, your marketing muscles, your networking strategies, your meditation efforts, your passion, your joy? What is it that you desire the most? What in you needs the daily dedication? Feel free to share in the comments below, and I invite you to commit yourself to taking one action, one lesson, one step a day to achieving it, starting on August 20th. That's when I start my own.

Finding Deeper Meaning in Your Childhood Dreams


During my childhood, if someone would have asked what I wanted to be, I would have said a ballerina. It wasn’t meant to be. It’s likely that even if I hadn’t experienced the negative feedback I did, as you will read in this article, I still wouldn’t have done it. I was five years old when I participated in a few dance performances, and the above pictures were taken.

A few years later, when a dance company opened a ballet studio three blocks from my parents' home, I signed up for their modern ballet yearly program. Every year, we would perform at the theater for family and friends, and I loved it. Towards the end of my third year, the teacher approached me and said that she was recommending that I repeated the year. I didn't say a word. I've always been shy and had no idea how to speak up for myself. What hurt the most was that, throughout the year, she never said anything about my performance or how I could have improved.

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The Habitual Self-Talk – How to Shift It

Self-TalkOn Friday I attended another Paint Nite event. I wrote about my first experience here. I had planned to arrive 15 minutes early, but the 6:19pm bus I was going to take never came. The next bus arrived at 6:43pm and I ended up getting to the bar 12 minutes late. On my way there I was dealing with my feelings, trying not to cry and negotiating my options. I asked that I could mend time and arrive on time. When it became clearly impossible that it would happen, I asked that the instructor would start after I arrived.

I got there, and as soon as I gave my name to get a blank canvas, the instructor started the class. I didn’t miss a thing! I sat down and started painting with everyone else. I briefly thanked this miracle and moved on. I didn’t take time to breathe though, or to ground myself. Perhaps the painting would have been nicer if I had done so. It was a very humid evening, and I chose to have my hair in a ponytail and wear a headband. The painter’s assistant asked to take my picture while I was painting it and I said sure, even though I was self-conscious about my hair, and my smile was as fake as it can be, as I remained emotionally charged throughout the evening.

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What comes first? How to move forward from stuckness and resistance into creativity and joy.

What comes first?

What comes first? I’ve been thinking about these questions for the last couple of months, while dealing with being stuck:


  • The will to change or the change itself?
  • Happiness that leads to action or action that leads to happiness?
  • Despair or the unwillingness to do something about one’s current state?
  • Trust that things will be different or things actually turning out differently than expected lead to trust?
  • Procrastination or depression?
  • Healthy eating habits just because or thanks to a health scare?
  • Unstuckness by itself or the movement towards changing the status quo?
  • An unexpected insight or an openness to inspiration?
  • Do you get yourself stuck by not taking action or by taking action and failing? Or both? Or is stuckness related to lack of action or resistance to simply allowing?

What comes first?

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