Month: April 2013

Trust Yourself and Transform your Life & Business Webinar by Elisa Balabram

TransformationLearn Five Steps to Transforming Your Life and Business

  • Are you ready to make significant changes to your career and life?
  • Have you been dreaming about a future in which you are your own boss?
  • Do you wish you were making money from sources other than a full time job that drains you?
  • Do you have a creative hobby that you would love to create a business from?

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How do you feel when others in your field succeed? If you feel stuck, ask yourself “What makes me unique?”

When I was writing Ask Others, Trust Yourself, my inner critic had a lot to say about my abilities to write in English, my abilities to write period, and what could possibly set me apart from all the other great books that were out there. Ultimately, my passion for writing and my passion for sharing my own message and my deep desire to shake people up and show them there was a way, won.

As I build my coaching business, I sometimes have the same tendency, and I’m constantly asking myself what’s unique about me now? I’m on the email list of high profile coaches who have created huge empires, such as Marie Forleo with her B-school and inspiring online TV show, Fabienne Fredrickson with her highly effective Client Attraction program, and Ali Brown the e-zine Queen and entrepreneur mentor, just to name a few, so I do need to keep asking myself what’s unique about me?

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What’s Most Important: To Take Action or To Focus on Energy Work?

EnergyRecently, during a coaching session I recommended that my client approached her sales or lack thereof through two different ways. The first one was the practical one, the action steps, the marketing strategies, the social media posts, the reaching out, the PR, etc. I gave her tangible steps to take to move forward and to get her work in front of those who would be interested in buying it.

The second way was to be in the energy of creating those opportunities for herself. I mentioned the importance of seeing the exchange of her work for the money, feeling and seeing the possibilities of her work making a difference and improving people’s lives, and she receiving the money in return with ease.

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Protected: Facing Your Fears Call Recording

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How often do you follow your own advice?

I’m part of a group of women that meets every three weeks. We are there to support each other if we need help with relationships, business, career, health or whatever is going on in our lives that we need to share and get support.

I have fun noticing how sometimes we repeat to another person, the same advice she gave us just a few weeks earlier. How easy it is to be caught up in the pressure, the fear, and/or the emotions of what we are going through, that we forget to take a step back, see all the options available and tap into our inner wisdom.

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Email List Best Practices – What not to do when building your list of subscribers!

email best practices

I’ve been hearing about the importance of building one’s email list for at least fifteen years. I did build a list while running, but I didn’t put much effort into it. I didn’t offer anything for free, except for great content and a subscription to an email that had a summary of articles and links, when a new issue of the site was posted. On occasion I sent an email about an event I was hosting, that I thought was relevant to my subscribers, and when I launched my book, I sent an email to let them know about it, it was a big accomplishment after all.

Here are the annoying things I’ve experienced throughout all these years, which makes me resist building a list again, or sending emails all together. And PLEASE, if you have the habit of doing any of these things, stop, and see if they are truly helping your business:

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Valuing your Work and Setting Prices by Elisa Balabram

I wanted to share here, the links to two articles I wrote for

If you have any questions about them, you can post them here.

From the Savvy Ladies website: "Savvy Ladies teaches women about personal finances in an authentic way that encourages them to take control of their financial future. With Savvy Ladies’ education, women learn how to make proactive choices about their finances, identify their life goals, and move toward a more rich and rewarding life. Savvy Ladies provides seminars, webinars, workshops, and hotlines that encourage networking amongst women, and create a secure forum for women to ask financially-related questions. Savvy Ladies is not associated with another organization and provides unbiased education about personal finances." To learn more, visit

Webinar on Facing Your Fears with Self-love

The article that has caused the most impact since I started blogging again on is Expanding Your Comfort Zone, about my trip to Peru and my own journey facing my fear of heights.  In fact, I’m still getting comments and emails about it, over 3 months later. The feedback I’ve been receiving inspired me to create a few webinars on the article’s topic. The first webinar is on Facing Your Fears.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You, in some ways, feel like you are hiding;
  • You know what you want to accomplish but something is holding you back;
  • You are not sure exactly why things haven’t happened the way you would have liked;
  • You know that you are afraid, but you feel too frightened to take action or even to speak about how you feel;

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