LightI committed myself to 30 days of meditation – filling my body with light and sending that light through my right hand outward, to anyone who had radical views, who had so much hate in them, who felt disempowered, and whose only solution available to their awareness is to attack.

About the same time I made the commitment – I read an article criticizing “spiritual” people for sending love as not enough. A famous spiritual leader also did a video, which I watched on my Facebook wall, sharing her view that it wasn’t nearly enough to do so.

I thought about not doing it, but then I’d be doing nothing at all. And in reality it’s not all I did or do (more later). So although part of me had all the inner battles of my responses to the article and video, I stayed committed. Each day light was sent out to anyone who could possibly need light in their lives that day – Each day with a different intuitive message. I didn’t keep track of them all, but here are some examples of where the light was going, and the intentions behind it:

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