Month: January 2014

Beyond Stuck Webinar

handsandheartWe will go deeper in revealing if/when/why/how you are stuck, and we will discuss ways to move beyond the stuckness into gentle action and with self-love.

In this webinar, through guided exercises, you will go within to learn some of the reasons you are stuck, why you may keep perpetuating old habits; you will get crystal clear about the distraction methods you use to avoid taking steps, and about the feelings you would prefer to avoid; and you will learn how to start creating changes that last.

If you feel you have taking some steps to pursue your soul purpose and project, but still feel stuck, sign up for this free webinar, and gain insight on how getting unstuck is possible. Join us on this journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and self-love.

Online webinar: Thursday, February 6th 2014 at 8pm EST

Follow this link to register:

Elisa Balabram will share her own struggles with being stuck, and will provide the steps she uses to overcome it.

All attendees will receive a self-coaching guide that I offer my clients, after the call, filled with writing exercises and questions to help you move forward. Sign up today!

We All See and Experience Things Differently - A Good Self-love Reminder


How many times do you have misunderstandings with relationships, with clients, with co-workers, with employees, and in life in general? Sometimes we believe we are as clear as possible, and others still receive our message a different way. I have hanging in my wall a drawing that reminds me that we all see, experience, and feel even the same things in our own unique way. It is a good reminder that not everyone will always get exactly what we mean, and we may need to paint the whole scenario a different way to get our message across.

Here is the story of the drawings on this post:

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How to Move Beyond Resistance and Deepen the Self-love

ResistanceI wrote a lot about self-love in the last couple of months. I also practiced every day each suggestion that I posted. Yet, some evenings I just wanted to crawl under the bed and say forget about self-love! I would indulge in not feeling good enough, not being perfect, feeling less than. Then, through a moment of clarity, I would remember that I had tools to deal with those feelings. But I was too far gone to make the moment of clarity last, or to actually use the tools, so I would go back to the familiar – resistance.

I would resist moving forward, and I would be stuck between allowing myself to feel all the feelings that came up, and simply avoiding them altogether. Can you relate? What do you do when you simply want to avoid those feelings that are percolating?  Do you usually try to avoid them or do you allow yourself to feel them fully? The more we resist, the longer they stay around, yet it is hard to take the first step.

Here are a few things that I learned to practice to get beyond the internal self-talk that wants to curse self-love and just feel bad for days:

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Lessons Learned from Horseback Riding Practically for the First Time

Elisa Balabram and Gavião

Elisa Balabram and Gavião

I had no real experience going horseback riding. I remember that 21 years ago I had the opportunity to do so for the first time in a small field, just going once around that field, with someone else walking next to us. I don't think this qualifies as horseback riding, though.

Twenty one years later, my youngest sister and I went to a farm hotel and had the opportunity to horseback ride a few times. The first time I could sense the horse wasn't very comfortable as he only wanted to walk on grass. I told the team and they decided to let him rest, until they could fix his horseshoe. The second horse didn't want to leave the stable at all, but once we did, he was great. The third one walked slowly as we moved away from the stable and pretty fast when we turned around to go back.

Lessons learned:

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Looking at the Big Picture

pictureI hope you had a wonderful and meaningful New Year's celebration! I had the opportunity to spend it with family and it was wonderful to be in their presence.

As a week has gone by in 2014, I'd like to remind you of how important it is to look at the big picture – we all know this, but then when something happens or doesn't according to plan, we tend to forget it.

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