Celebrating 15 Years in New York

chocolateI moved from Belo Horizonte, Brazil to New York, USA 15 years ago today. I had no idea what to expect, or what was ahead. I knew I was in a relationship, and that I was going to study the MBA. That was all. I also had a few aspirations in mind, to change careers and become a consultant (the term coaching wasn’t around back then), and possibly a writer. I was writing a fiction story in Portuguese at the time, it took me a couple of years to finish it, if I’m not mistaken, but the file was deleted accidently, and the story was never published, and never read from start to finish by someone other than me.

When the file was deleted, I decided not to write for a while, as I had put a lot of effort into it, and it was disappointing. A year after I graduated from the MBA, the idea came up to start WomenandBiz.com. That’s how I sort of launched my own writing career. The term blogging didn’t exist back then either.

The following year I got a job as the director of a Women’s Business Center in the Bronx, and for three years I counseled and coached small business owners there. I then moved on to work at another WBC in Brooklyn, and for the five years I worked there, I had many successes.

In 2009, I published my first non-fiction book, and I’ve been working on a short fiction fairy tale story for a while, and maybe it will be published this year. I guess I couldn’t stay away from fiction forever…

Over the years I took other business courses, executive coaching, leadership, creative writing, and social media courses. Life took me into different directions, and I became a Reiki master and studied alternative healing modalities. All the courses I have taken combined with my own life and professional experience helped me launch the Intuitive Business and Life Coaching.

Some career successes may include the successes and transformations my clients have experienced; winning an award; the program I ran in Brooklyn winning an award; speaking at the Harvard Business School Undergraduate Women’s Conference; speaking at the United Nations for the event Empowering Women and Girls through Social Media; publishing “Ask Others, Trust Yourself: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Key to Success”, being featured in two other books: “Savvy Networking” by Andrea Nierenberg, and “Think Like an Entrepreneur: What Do You Need to Consider Before You Write a Business Plan” by Deborah A. Bailey; the difference WomenandBiz.com made in the lives of its readers, writers, and featured business owners; teaching undergraduate courses; and is having 3000+ followers on Twitter considered a success? ; )

Some career challenges include leaving a successful career in non-profit after eight years; ending WomenandBiz.com publications; and launching programs I was passionate about creating and not having the expected response to them at the time.

The most difficult times have been being away from family for what used to be long periods of times (and yes, Skype does help); losing loved ones I met in New York; losing the family dog; 9/11; the visa changes prior to getting the green card; and the year of 2012.

The coolest adventures may include walking home to Astoria, Queens from Soho, Manhattan due to the blackout of 2003; hiking in Cold Springs; doing a night hike at Mohonk Mountain House in the dark with no flashlight; travelling to Scotland alone; and going on a sacred group journey to Peru.

It’s hard to tell what the most disgusting thing was, but sitting next to someone flossing on the subway is up there.

In terms of personal successes or failures… I said yes to two proposals, but there were no weddings. I have met some incredible souls that have helped me grow, either by becoming part of my support system, or by challenging me to my core. I feel grateful to each and every one of them, close friends, acquaintances, students, colleagues, co-workers, clients, family, and soul family. I have met and worked with wonderful mentors, coaches and therapists. And I have invested in, and dedicated myself to self-development, self-growth, self-awareness, self-love, and personal transformation.

Although I don’t know who I will be, what I will be doing, where I will be living, and/or with whom in 2029, I can tell you that the last 15 years have been quite a ride, and I’m sure they’ve prepared me for all the magic that is yet to come.

I’m grateful for the experience, transformation, and journey; grateful for this platform to express myself; grateful to all new connections I encountered, and have kept thanks to my decision to move here; grateful to you for reading this, and for our connection, even if it’s only virtual.

I encourage you to think of the past 15 years, and feel free to post one of your highlights in the comments below.



PS. Yes, I know, I was once young, thin, and had no gray hair. ; )


Meditations, Intentions, Affirmations - Keeping it Simple


Saying Yes to New Adventures and Trusting Your Intuition


  1. marilaine

    que legal, elisa. parabéns (com um certo atraso)... thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • Elisa Balabram

      Hi Marilaine,
      Thank you for reading it and for your comment!

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