Visualize Blue Skies for Your Business and Life


A friend of mine called me out of the blue and invited me to spend the following weekend with her, and her dog, at her beach house in Rhode Island. I had been hoping for an opportunity to get out of the city, and it was easy to say yes. The day before my trip, I checked and learned that it was going to rain on Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday. It didn’t bother me, as I was happy to spend the weekend with my friend. I also went prepared – I took work with me, a story to edit, a book to read, classes to prepare, and I packed an umbrella just in case. On my way there, I asked the universe for sunny weather, I visualized the clouds moving away, and I let it go by setting an intention to have a good time, regardless of the weather.

As you can see from the three pictures above, except for a few clouds, and a light rain while my friend was driving me back to the train station on Sunday afternoon, the weekend was sunny. Why am I writing about this you may ask? Because the same magic and preparation can be used for daily activities and business:

  • When there are clouds, ask them to kindly move away. If you are having issues with your career and/or business, and everything seems difficult, ask for the difficulties to shift or move away with ease.
  • Rain or no rain, focus on what you want to create. If there were no nimbus clouds above your business or life, what would you like to happen? Spend some time visualizing it already being created.
  • Once you see the blue sky in your mind’s eye, release and let go of that vision. Set the intention to let go of it with no attachment to outcome. Yes, prepare yourself in case it rains or shines, but do not be attached to either one.
  • Allow magic to happen. Once you have no expectations, new opportunities show up in unexpected and surprising ways, like an unexpected invite. Be ready for it.

Sending you good vibes for a blue sky ahead in your life and business.



PS. I’m launching a 6-week “Connect with Your Intuition” Group coaching program that will start on July 7th, learn more and register here.


Sharing Love and Letting it Go


Meditations, Intentions, Affirmations - Keeping it Simple


  1. Great post, Elisa! I especially love your last bullet point - expectations often lead to disappointment but releasing them can bring unparalleled joy when we're open to whatever comes. Namaste, friend.

    • Elisa Balabram

      Hi Christy,

      Yes, releasing expectations is key! Thank you for your comment.


  2. Marilaine

    Texto que chegou em boa hora. 😉
    Sai do FB, mas de vez em quando venho aqui te ler.

    • Elisa Balabram

      Oi Marilaine,
      Adorei! Obrigada!
      Saudades e beijos,

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