Self-Love Challenge - Day 10

BreatheRemind Yourself to Breathe Deeply

The self-love challenge today is to remind yourself to breathe deeply every time you remember. I have learned to practice taking a few deep breaths when I’m going through stressful situations, or when I can’t stop the mind chatter. I just take a few deep breaths, at least three, and it helps me to reconnect to myself and to refocus. It is simple and yet, it always makes a difference.

When I’m going through situations that I know deep breathing could help, I make a point to have a few reminders:  I write “breathe” on a post-it and leave it on my computer monitor; and I schedule a reminder on my iPhone that alerts me every other hour with the word “breathe”. If you need reminders, post a note on your computer screen, or set up an alarm, so that you can take a few moments to breathe deeply today.

Let me know if you needed the reminders and if reminding yourself to breathe deeply made a difference in your day.



Self-Love Challenge - Day 9


Self-Love Challenge - Day 11


  1. I used to practice deep breathing faithfully, but somehow, over the last 15 years or so, I just stopped. I've tried to pick it back up again, but it never stuck. Thank you for the reminder and the newsletter. They may be just what I need to regularly practice deep breathing. 🙂

    • Elisa Balabram

      Hi Debra,
      Thanks for your comment, and yes, we need to keep recommitting ourselves to breathe. 😉

  2. Nelson Almonte

    Uhm, I have an issue with mind chatter, thoughts coming in and out; meditation may calm my mind while I am doing it, but eventually, my mind starts creating mind movies about situations and possible outcomes... I'll give deep breathing a try, and will have to find a way to remember to do it.
    Thanks for the tip.

  3. Elisa Balabram

    Hi Nelson,
    I do too. I try to be mindful of it, and stop and realize that I spent the last several minutes creating mind movies that weren't helpful. Then, I breathe and let it go. 😉

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