How To Handle Change in Life and/or Business


Last month I moved to a new place. Here is my journey and the steps I took and recommend you take when handling life changing experiences of any kind.

First, there was the certainty that it was time to move from where I had lived for the past eight years. The move was actually about two years or so passed due. But I procrastinated. I made excuses. I stayed. To be honest, I don’t care for moving.

Second, it was hard to find the new place. I wrote a list of requirements I really wanted or would like to have. I wrote a vision of my life at this new place. It was overwhelming when one of the first places I saw had nothing at all to do with my list; it was pretty much the opposite of what I wanted. I realized now that it was a set up, so that I would keep looking and know for sure when I found the one. I share this, so that if it happens to you, and you are tested by attracting the opposite of what you imagined, simply say no, walk away, and go back to the drawing board.

I did. I revised my list, I saw myself connected to the new place, and most of all I surrendered. I asked and trusted that the new place would be shown to me with ease. And so it was. During the search, there were a lot of tears involved, a lot of fear coming up, but I nurtured it, I asked for help and I kept going.

Third, I also procrastinated with packing and if it wasn’t for a dear friend who didn’t mind the mess and came over to help, I wouldn’t be done. I thank her and all my friends who offered supporting advice and suggestions of places I should check out.

Could I have handled things differently? Of course, we can always do something different in hindsight, such as packed sooner.

Here is what I recommend when you are going through a change, be it moving, relationships, career, and/or business:

Allow yourself to feel where you are. Let go of the blame and shame for not taking steps sooner, it never helps, and it keeps you stuck. Give yourself permission to be where you are and feel whatever comes up.

Create a vision for what it could be. This is hard, especially when you are stuck, depressed and in a situation that you can’t see the light. Remind yourself that no matter what, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Take the time to imagine how you would feel after you make that change.

Take baby steps. If you are moving, give yourself permission to start packing slowly. The only thing I could do at first, was remove all the magnets I had on the fridge (believe me, there were many and it took a while, you can see them in the image above. Those are not all of them, as some of them already made it to the new fridge).

Take bigger steps. Once you take care of the baby steps, it’s time to move forward. It was hard for me to start packing when I didn’t know where I was going. It was really hard. The next step I took after taking care of the magnets was to get boxes. I didn’t touch them for a while, but it certainly felt good to know they were there. A few days later I started taking care of the packing.

Ask for help. Let people know of your change, and ask for help. If you need a hand to pack, if you need a referral to a new job, if you need a friend to talk to so that you don’t call that person you are over with for a while, ask for help. It’s always a win-win situation when you ask for help. You realize that you are not alone and that you are supported, and the person helping you feels useful and needed.

Visualize the transition going with ease. It is so easy to get caught up in the feeling of overwhelm, and the feeling that this will never end, that you don’t take any action. It happened to me! You need to set an intention that the transformations will happen with ease.

Surrender. Make sure you take time to let go of your vision, so that it can be created. Remind yourself that only with full and complete trust you will be able to manifest your goals and deepest dreams.

Make it happen. Set a deadline for yourself, like when you are moving, you don’t have a choice. In other life changes you may be going through, set yourself a deadline as well, and work backwards. Start with the visualization, then the baby steps, then move forward with the next steps, and don’t forget to ask for help and to fully trust.

May your transformation no matter how small or how big, go with ease for you.


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  1. Nelson Almonte

    A very useful article for those who may be contemplating a move, and that happens a lot here in NYC. I took the liberty of sharing this article with a dear friend of mine, who introduced me to you a while back.
    Be well, and great success on all of your endeavors!


    • Elisa Balabram

      Hi Nelson,
      Thank you! It was hard at first, since I stayed in the same place for 8 years (I agree, not too common here), but wow, I'm happy I moved! 😉
      All the best,

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    I am contemplating a move on a larger scale and keep going back and forth between certainty and doubt. Glad to know it's part of the process.

    Hope you're enjoying your new place!

    • Elisa Balabram

      Hi Leslie,
      Thank you for your comment and feedback. Best of luck in making your decision. It is hard, but it can also be really rewarding to move.
      All the best,

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