4 Stages of Feeling Stuck and What You Can Do About it

How often do you feel stuck in your life? How about in your business? How often do you feel stuck when writing, painting, creating, growing?

I consider that we all go through different stages of “stuckness” depending on how we are responding to it, and what’s happening in each moment.

  1. You know you are not happy where you are, and you have no idea how to change the status quo. My recommendation is to start from where you are, make a list of the things you’d like to change, and choose one small step to take every day, a different step than the one you are currently taking. It sounds simple, but it is going to take effort and persistency to keep up with it and to notice any growth.
  2. You have some hidden fears and feelings that you have not been acknowledging, or that you have been avoiding. Acknowledge that you are stuck and then take some time to meditate and journal, to figure out what is truly behind you feeling stuck.
  3. You are taking action every day, but you are still not seeing results. If this is your case, I suggest two main steps: a- Take time to reflect on how you feel energetically and if you are open to receiving. b- Ask for help: discuss the strategies you are taking with an expert to see if you need any adjustments to get different or any result.
  4. You are exhausted and overwhelmed and being stuck is only part of your current situation. In this case, how could you start setting boundaries and delegating, so that you can feel more peaceful, more creative and able to move forward?

I’ve experienced all of those and sometimes even all of them simultaneously. I could be stuck but not know what to do about it, or not know what was causing it; I could be in action mode and realize that I was stuck since I wasn’t getting any results based on my actions; and for several years I was always so exhausted and overwhelmed that it was hard to be creative until I started giving myself permission to delegate and set boundaries.

I recommend that you first ask yourself: Am I stuck? If the answer is yes, investigate which stage are you and come up with a list of steps to take daily to change your reality.

You can also check out our workshops as we host webinar on this topic regularly.