How do you feel when others in your field succeed? If you feel stuck, ask yourself “What makes me unique?”

When I was writing Ask Others, Trust Yourself, my inner critic had a lot to say about my abilities to write in English, my abilities to write period, and what could possibly set me apart from all the other great books that were out there. Ultimately, my passion for writing and my passion for sharing my own message and my deep desire to shake people up and show them there was a way, won.

As I build my coaching business, I sometimes have the same tendency, and I’m constantly asking myself what’s unique about me now? I’m on the email list of high profile coaches who have created huge empires, such as Marie Forleo with her B-school and inspiring online TV show, Fabienne Fredrickson with her highly effective Client Attraction program, and Ali Brown the e-zine Queen and entrepreneur mentor, just to name a few, so I do need to keep asking myself what’s unique about me?

I will share with you my own example, so that you can have an idea of your wonderful uniqueness. The same reasons I wrote the book apply here. I’m unique and my background, experience, personality, motivation and skillset are unique to me. The aforementioned coaches had their own set of challenges and life experiences that make them unique and talented, and it in no way diminishes my own personal talent and skills. I also choose to learn from others so that I can keep growing, evolving and assisting clients to do the same.

What makes me unique? My love for seeing transformation, my commitment to my clients no matter what they are going through, my ability to listen clearly and intuitively, my commitment to being the most authentic and respectful coach I can be, my desire to inspire others to practice self-love, and my dream of a world in which we are all authentic and living our purpose. My passion to helping women pursue their dreams, let go of their masks, love themselves at all times, commit to what they deep down want to do, or even reveal within themselves what their purpose is, drives me to stand out, to speak up, to offer coaching and training services, and to write this blog.

The next time you catch yourself feeling frustrated and blocked by someone else’s talent, art, book, blog, products or services, instead of feeling discouraged, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What makes me unique?
  • What are my true passion and gifts?
  • What can I bring to the table that nobody else can?
  • What talents and gifts do I still need to explore and practice?

Once you know the answers, make sure to highlight it so that those who are meant to buy from you will know!


What’s Most Important: To Take Action or To Focus on Energy Work?


Trust Yourself and Transform your Life & Business Webinar by Elisa Balabram


  1. Beautifully said Elisa.
    Our uniqueness is not to be seen as an impediment but more as empowerment. God made us different to one anther so we can benefit and learn from others.
    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. Elisa Balabram

    Well said as well! Thank you for your comment,

  3. Thanks for shining a light on this topic, Elisa! While I know we've all got our uniqueness, it's awesome to have a framework to find it when we forget. Let's glow it up!

    • Elisa Balabram

      Hi Jennifer,
      Thank you for your comment, and yes, as you say, let's get glowing. 😉

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