Collaboration and Co-Creation

Since last year, more than ever before, you probably have heard about the importance of collaboration, and how we can co-create and create win-win opportunities. I wanted to share with you more of how my collaboration with Jennifer Alhasa came about, so that you can start reflecting on the collaborations you can also create in your life and business.

Jennifer and I met early last year. We were both participating on the Tweet chat #spiritchat, hosted by Kumud Ajmani.*  We started following each other on Twitter and Jennifer suggested we meet for coffee. I loved the idea, and pretty soon we had breakfast in my neighborhood as she had a meeting close by and I had to go to Brooklyn where I was working at the time. It’s wonderful how we met by chance online on a Sunday morning, and it turned out that we had so much in common that the relationship grew into a wonderful friendship.

If you have a friend who is a coach, you know we can’t help it, but coach whenever it’s needed. So imagine being friends with another coach! We can call on each other to talk about something that just happened, to share wonderful news, to ask for support, or to brainstorm ideas, and we both show up every time. I’ve seen Jennifer develop her coaching practice during the past year, and grow with it as she incorporates all her lessons into her intuitive coaching program. She saw me go through a heart break and through the launch of the coaching business (after I coached for 8 years in the position of director of WBCs), and witnessed as I went on my own growth journey.

All the experiences we had in 2012 made us realize that we could create something together that would help others going through similar changes. The fact that we have coached each other, have coaching experience, are friends and have similar values showed us that we can trust each other. After my adventure in Peru, and Jennifer’s holidays adventures, we connected and decided to co-create and co-host the 7 Weeks to Your Success Webinar.* Our background, coaching styles and life experiences are different, and we complement each other to create this powerful program. We have prepared a wonderful curriculum with some of the key exercises we take our private clients through, to help those who are ready and need a little support, to go for it. This is a wonderful opportunity as the participants will have the opportunity to learn from both of us, and they will also be able to ask us questions through a private Facebook group we will create specially for them.

* Update: Although Jennifer Alhasa and I still have great synergy and are friends, we are no longer going to host the 7-week to your success webinar series together. I will be hosting a slightly different 7-week program starting in April and I will share the information with you soon.

If you would like an intensive support, and would like to consider private coaching, feel free to schedule an appointment with Jennifer at her website:, or with me here.


* You can learn more about the #spiritchat at, and join on Twitter every Sunday at 9:00AM EST.


Letting Go of the Old


Planting Seeds


  1. Great article, Elisa! It is so true that the energy of co-creation has been growing and becoming ever-more important with the past year or two. I feel it very strongly! I love your philosophy and what you do - it feels in synch with what I do - I work with soul-centered biz women in connecting them with their abundance - and one of the main key ingredients in opening up to abundance is Self-Love! I also realized that in my one-on-one services, the abundance & business mentoring that I do with my clients is called "business synergy." I love that you used the word synergy above.:) Glad we have connected today! Astra

    • Elisa Balabram

      Hi Astra,
      Thank you for your comment and the work that you do is beautiful. I agree with you that abundance and self-love are connected. And we can all recognize we are all abundant one way or another.
      All the best,

  2. Thank you Elisa! Absolutely. Truly, everything is abundance! We just need to open ourselves to all the riches that are already here in every way! Thanks again!

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