Letting Go of the Old

As we continue to grow into our true selves, we start shedding layers of our old selves, of things we held on to for too long, of old belief systems, of old patterns, of old. It can be scary at times, as we’ve known the old all our lives, we’ve behaved a certain way for years, and somehow it feels safe. But there is something special about taking the leap and going for it. The transformed you will feel more alive, powerful, self-loving and reassured. I certainly do.

How can we let go?

Thought patterns:

  • Become observant of your thoughts, and when an old belief comes up, ask where it is coming from and if it is still true. Create an affirmation to help you reframe the old belief, and come up with a new belief more aligned with your true self.
  • Ask a friend to call on you if she hears you speak an old belief out loud, in a loving way of course.
  • What affirmation could you come up with to be the theme for you today? Mine is – Inspiration comes to me with ease, rather than… I’m stuck and can’t make anything happen.


  • As you transform yourself and let go, you may learn quickly that some people do not know how to relate to the new you. It is fine to let go of relationships that are not aligned with who you are becoming.
  • Sometimes, people will disappear without an explanation, other times, there will be a conversation and mutual realization that the relationship no longer works for either of you, and at times, you may need to express yourself and set boundaries.
  • If letting go of those relationships isn’t an option, be patient as both you and the other person learn to relate in a new and more authentic way.
  • As long as you are conscious of what’s happening, and you can speak up from the heart, the conversation itself can be transformational to all involved.


  • Set aside a chunk of time each week to de-clutter and let go of things that no longer serve you.
  • Set the intention that you are fully letting go and you will not miss those things, ever.

When you are ready to commit to your transformation, make a decision to go within daily, even if for five minutes. Take the time to breathe, ask yourself how you are feeling and what you need. Whatever answer you receive, give it to yourself. You may hear: love, rest, sleep, fun, laughter, a walk in nature, or anything else that comes up for you. Give it to yourself. If you are too busy to do it, move your schedule around and make it happen within the next two days.

Have you had any challenges and experiences with letting go that you’d like to share? Feel free to leave a comment below. 


Facing the Truth and Pursuing Your Dreams


Collaboration and Co-Creation


  1. Nelson Almonte

    Fantastic reminders of the way
    to go; you are doing great, Elisa!

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