In the beginning of every year we feel excited about new possibilities. We let go of all that we consider negative experiences from the previous year, and we set intentions for the New Year.

I’ve grown a lot last year; there was no other option. Through all the challenges I had to face and learn from, (sites being hacked, leaving an 8-year successful non-profit career, and going through a heart break, to name a few), my coaching practice has also improved and grown with it. Next week, I’m providing two days (Monday and Wednesday) of complementary 45-minute Skype calls, to help you get clearer on what you want to create for 2013. If after the call, you feel like having a coach to guide you through achieving your goals, I will send you information about my self-love and business coaching services. 

To sign up, fill out the contact us page with the best times for you, and I will contact you to schedule our Skype call.

All the best in 2013,

Elisa Balabram