The more you are able to love yourself, to appreciate who you are, to own your power, and to value yourself, the further your business can grow.

Here are a few ways to practice self-love:

  • Create a self-love mantra you can tell yourself as many times as you like throughout the day, such as: I love myself; I love and appreciate all parts of myself; I accept and love who I am as I am.
  • Take time to be in contact with nature: walk in the park; hug a tree; walk barefoot; visit the ocean; go hiking; visit a community garden.
  • Start a success diary: list all of your major life accomplishments to date, and then continue writing daily successes. After you list the major successes, the daily updates don’t have to be huge! How about: paid the bills on time, arrived early to a meeting, did the dishes, wrote a blog post?
  • Read your success diary every time you doubt yourself.
  • Make use of one of your decorative boxes and start collecting inspirational quotes -> use it as needed!
  • Give yourself a hug.
  • Take yourself out to do something you know you love: watch an inspiring movie, go dancing, take a yoga class or cooking lessons, walk, run, go to the gym, go to the opera or the theater.
  • Read your favorite book or watch your favorite movie for the 10th time, and yes, it’s OK to have popcorn.
  • Watch comedy shows on the internet and let yourself laugh out loud.
  • Meditate and connect with your Higher Self and learn from her wisdom.
  • Spend time journaling and writing about all that you are grateful for.
  • Look yourself in the mirror and smile to your beautiful essence.

How are you going to practice self-love today?