How to transform “dog poop” (or mind chatter) into a fertilizer for your business

Dog Poop/Mind Chatter

I have been writing my dreams as soon as I wake up, and asking about the meaning of it, and one of them made me keep thinking of its meaning. The dream was of me going outside, and seeing that the top of my car was filled with dog poop. At first I thought: who could have done it and why? but soon I shifted into thinking what I could do about it. I got in the car, accelerated into a field, and then hit the brakes, so that the poop would fall, and go into the soil (this was a dream after all). The idea I had within the dream was that this way, the poop could be used as a fertilizer, and something good would come out of it. Then I proceeded to wash the car.

When I woke up, I wrote the dream, and the question: What does it mean? And the answer I got was clear and simple. Nobody had put the dog poop on my car; the poop was a symbol of my own stuff, a cloud of negative thoughts, fears, challenges, and the feeling of stuckness I had been caring; and the fact that I used it as a fertilizer showed my readiness to move forward.

Throughout the day I kept thinking about how could I use all of it as a fertilizer? And the answer was simple, instead of hiding from those feelings, or somehow avoiding them, I could actually face them, and allow them to propel me forward. For example, if instead of avoiding the feeling of being stuck, I would feel it, I could then come up with a step by step strategy, and a schedule to complete it, and actually be persistent in taking the steps forward. (I have taken steps as soon as I committed myself to focusing on what needed to get done.)

Take a moment to ask yourself – What’s currently my biggest fear or challenge? Place your hand on your heart if that helps, and wait for the first answer to come up.

Write down the answer. Here are some examples that tend to keep people stuck:

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of success
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of not being loved
  • Feeling of not being good enough
  • Fear of being recognized as a fraud
  • Self-doubt

Next, reflect on how your fear or challenge could serve as a fertilizer or fuel for you to move forward. How about if you used the fear of failure to motivate you to create a well thought out action plan that could help minimize the chances of business failure? How about if you used the fear of rejection to research the best niche market for your business, and then promoted your products/services to more targeted people? It would increase your chances of, although possibly still being rejected by some, being in front of others who could potentially accept you and your products/services.

Or how about planting your self-doubt in a field of achievements from your past? How about if you were to take all the real failures you already experienced (if any), all the mistakes, all the regrets, all the beliefs that no longer serve you, all the fears that are yet to come and may never realize, and plant them all in a field of acceptance, forgiveness, self-love, past successes, encouragement, love? How about if instead of ignoring the “dog poop” on the top of your car, you actually faced it, named it, and meditated on how you could move forward with it as a fuel? Would you feel charged up to move forward if you indeed took the time to use the fear/challenge as a fertilizer?

If yes, decide now on one small step you can take today, and see yourself being propelled by all the seeds you have planted to date.

Feel free to share how you plan to use your mind chatter as a fertilizer in your own life and business.

In case you need additional support and coaching, visit this page for a Valentine’s Day special coaching package offer to work with me one-on-one.



PS. I thought that I had done the most vulnerable thing by publishing a book on mending a broken heart, and here I am writing about dog poop.

PS2. The other big lesson from the dream for me was that I didn’t spend time trying to find out who had done it, or blaming someone else for the dog poop, or even dwelling on what I had done wrong to deserve it. I immediately moved into action to clear the car, and to use the poop as a fertilizer. A lesson I keep practicing in life as well.

PS3. I neither own a car nor a dog.


How to Allow Miracles to Happen


A Labor of Love


  1. Shannan Ramsay

    This is really what I needed today thank you so much for the encouragement and great words of advice

    • Elisa Balabram

      Dear Shannan,
      I'm glad to hear! Thank you and all the best to you.
      Virtual hug,

  2. As you know Elisa it is a long road (we choose) to go from Why me? to Lucky me? from subject to scientist. Perception is powerful. Your post reminded me once again that I always have the power to change my perception

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