The Impact We Have in Each Other’s Lives

MayaAngelouI’ve been reflecting on this quote by Maya Angelou: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will not forget how you made them feel." for the last several weeks, after two dearest people in my life passed away unexpectedly within 30 days from each other. All I keep thinking about is what they meant to me, even if for only the four years we knew each other in one case, and twelve years in another.

Both of them in their own unique way made a big difference in my life. In addition to the tangible help I received from one of them, which inspired me to pursue my entrepreneurial and writer’s endeavors over the years, the most important impact they had was how they made me feel. They made me feel that my life mattered, that I could achieve anything, that I was loved, and that my presence in their lives served a purpose and that it brought joy to them.

As I keep reflecting on the difference they and others made, I think of ways I can incorporate in my daily life the lessons learned, and these are some of the attitudes I came up with so far:

  • Show up no matter what.
  • Be myself.
  • Acknowledge those I care about.
  • Be helpful when an opportunity presents itself – don’t wait to be asked.
  • Fight – for my life, for what matters to me, for those I care about.
  • Say yes to new opportunities, and figure things out as I go.
  • Cherish each moment with loved ones.
  • Be kind to myself and others.

How many people do you have in your life that make you feel loved, and good about yourself? Is it just a few? Are you truly able to perceive and acknowledge the impact you have in each other’s lives when you are in their presence, or only after they are gone, and it becomes a fond memory?

I encourage you to reflect on the people that have impacted you the most. If you have one or several people in your life, who make you feel happy and joyful just by being in their presence, take a moment today to give them a call, send an email, or see them, and to share how you feel. If they are no longer here, take a moment to reflect on how you can incorporate in your life, the lessons learned from being in their presence.


Choose to Make a Different Choice


Sharing Love and Letting it Go


  1. Kumud

    So sorry to hear about your losses, Elisa. Peace to you and their families…

    Yes, times of personal loss do make us reflect on the blessings given to by us by those who have left us, the momentum they gave to our lives, and their support.

    We can honor their impact on us by pledging to make a similar impact on others…
    Be well,

  2. This is so touching

  3. Elisa Balabram

    Hi Diana,
    Thank you,

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