thanksgivingExpress Unexpected Gratitude:

Happy U.S. Thanksgiving! In addition to showing gratitude to your family and closest friends today, thank someone who would not be expecting to hear from you. The self-love challenge is for you to look back since the beginning of 2013, and recall one time that you were having a bad day, and then someone showed up and, either knowingly or unknowingly brightened your day, and/or offered a helping hand.


Here are a few examples of situations that come to mind:


  • A friend who with love and no judgment, listened to you for an hour as you talked about the bad day you were having;
  • A colleague who referred a new client to you;
  • A great job opportunity that someone forwarded to you;
  • Someone who gave you a ride when you needed it the most;
  • A social media friend who took the time to read your post and to leave a loving comment;
  • A friend who simply called to say hi, and you didn’t even have to share what was bothering you, just receiving the call shifted your energy;
  • A stranger at the supermarket in line in front of you, who had a shopping cart filled to the top, and when he/she saw you with just one item, let you go in front of him/her;
  • A friend who gave you flowers just because;
  • Someone who offered a helping hand when you least expected it.

Well, you get the idea. When you remember the occasion and person, if you know him/her, contact them via phone, email, social media, and take the time to thank them, and be specific. Remind them of the conversation or the specific event that happened and share your appreciation and thanks. If you don’t know them (like the supermarket example), simply take a moment to send the person loving thoughts and light. This challenge will only take a few minutes away from all that you need to get done today, and it will likely mean a lot to both of you.

I’m deeply grateful to you for reading this article today.

Happy Thanksgiving.

