
What are the quotes that inspire you the most? Take some time today to write them down on an index card, or on a few post-its, and place them where you will see them often.

I tell myself “This Too Shall Pass”, when I’m feeling stuck and it helps to know that as long as I’m in the moment, and I allow the feelings to flow without resistance, it will pass. I also appreciate the quote “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” by Albert Einsten . And last year I came up with my own mantra “I’m safe, I’m centered, I’m supported” and I still use it every now and then. (I shared why I came up with it here.)

What is it that you tell yourself when you need something to encourage you to keep going? Could you come up with a mantra that’s just for you that you can use it as needed? Feel free to post your favorite quote and/or your own original one here.