Eat MindfullyEat Mindfully

Today’s self-love challenge requires you to eat mindfully.

My version of eating mindfully includes choosing what we eat wisely, and before eating, setting an intention that the food we are about to eat will nourish our body and provide the nutrients it needs. It also requires that we do not eat watching TV or in front of the computer, but that we sit down and eat peacefully with intention and without interruption.

I would also recommend making healthier choices even if it’s simply eating an extra fruit or a fruit salad today, it is a small effort that can make a difference. If you are like me, and you choose not to go a day without chocolate, see if you can eat a small piece instead of the whole bar, and maybe just for today choose dark chocolate instead of milk. You may have heard that it is better for you. In case you already practice eating mindfully, how can you take it a step further today?

Enjoy your day, eat mindfully, and nourish your body, mind and spirit.