The other day, someone who had visited both and told me that he could clearly see my professional passion. I stopped for a moment to think about it. He is right, I’m passionate about helping women pursue their dreams, find their passion, and achieve balance. However, I don’t spend all day long thinking about what’s my passion, if I’m pursuing it the right way or enough. It just happens that I’m most attracted to reading about women’s issues, reading non-fiction books that help me become a better coach and writer, helping women become their best selves, and promoting women’s equality and achievements.

I think that finding what I was most passionate about happened organically. At first, there was an interest, and then the idea/opportunity came up to create, followed by an opportunity to coach women entrepreneurs. Of course, since then, the passion has expanded to include spiritual and alignment coaching, create courses and programs, and I became a Reiki Master, which has also helped awaken new interests.

How about you? Do you know what your professional passion is? If you have many interests and you are not sure if you can name one passion, take a look at the books you chose to read in the last few years, consider the people who stimulates you intellectually the most, and think about when you feel the most alive.

I would love to learn about your passion, and what you are doing to pursue it, live it, embrace it, breathe it, and be it. You can post your comments and thoughts here.