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The Outline 2




  1. Santos Morales

    Ask Others, Trust Yourself is a great read for just about anyone in business, emerging entrepreneurs and established business owners. Although the book is geared towards women, I feel it's very useful for men too! The advise provided in the book applies to everyone, since everyone has questions. What I thought was very interesting was the author's approach to self awareness, which I thought was rather spiritual. This by no means is a religious book, but there is a level of spirituality embeded throughout its chapters that comes through swiftly and sort of puts you into perspective about your life and business approach. I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to people (men and women) who need that extra confidence in believing the answers can be found within. Asking questions is important, Trusting Yourself crucial!

  2. WE Magazine for Women recently featured Ask Other, Trust Yourself adn found it to be a great book both for new business owners as well as seasoned entrepreneurs. The message in this book is so ncessary today as we go through the uncertaintly of life, the fluctuations in the economy and fickleness of those we serve. Ask Others, Trust Yourself will help businesses get a better handle on keeping customers engaged, and building a more loyal following especially when you follow your own heart.

    Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher, WE Magazine for women

  3. Olivia Frazao

    'Ask Others, Trust Yourself' is essential for all business owners, from beginner to expert, who want to reflect upon what they want from their business and why, and learn creative new ways of thinking and acting to reach their goals. The book will be the little voice in your head helping you through the ups and downs of all phases of your work. The lists of countless resources that you can turn to for support are an invaluable key to any entrepreneur’s success. Learn how to contact the right people the right way, and how to interpret their advice. Balabram will teach you to follow your intuition, persevere when you feel discouraged, and find alternative modes to reaching success.

  4. "Ask Others, Trust Yourself " is an inspirational and informational book for entrepreneurs who value their own intuition. Elisa Balabram's ability to summarize her years of experience counseling her entrepreneurial clients is a terrific resource for anyone seeking to start or grow a business. She shares case studies on what to do when mistakes are made in business to prevent you from making similar mistakes. Her lessons become your tools for success. Balabram's book is encouraging, engaging and also offers a terrific list of resources at the end. A great read from start to finish!

  5. Every good coach needs a great coach, and great coaching support is what Elisa Balabram offers in her book Ask Others, Trust Yourself. In my coaching practice, I give advice to professionals on how to meet their career goals in a range of business sectors. At this time, I am re-examining my own career. I was feeling stuck the other day, when I picked up Elisa's excellent book. I read it in one sitting. Elisa's insightful questions pushed me to challenge many preconceptions I had about who I am and what makes sense to move my consulting/coaching business forward at this stage. Because Elisa always offers options and a positive outlook, I made it through the self-awareness process without too much pain. Pushing out of my comfort zone was necessary and worth it, though. I have new energy for tackling the next career phase. Thank you, Elisa, for being my coach.

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