Back on Track After a Disappointment

Recently I took a leap of faith and applied through a competitive process, to work on a project for a person I admire. I was really excited about this opportunity, but a week later I found out that I wasn’t selected. At first, I felt disappointed; I was really looking forward to the opportunity to learn from him and to this new experience. I allowed myself to feel sad and go through the negative thoughts that came up. Soon after I gave myself permission to feel that way, those feelings and thoughts went away. I also received some encouraging emails from supportive friends.

I realized I had to take action and start thinking of my next move. How can I make myself feel alive? My second book idea came up. I’ve been thinking about this idea for maybe a year, but I hadn’t acted on it. I hadn’t written the concept, or brainstormed it with anyone. So that morning, I grabbed my journal and started writing down the ideas I had, which have evolved a lot.

It may be the Light Ascension course I’m taking, it may have been the book I was reading by Carol S. Dweck: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success or it may just be the time to take action.

I suggest that you think back at anything this year that made you feel stuck, disappointed, upset, and work through those feelings. Once you are done with them, open yourself to new inspirations, so that new opportunities can come up.

If you need help getting back on track or planning a strategy for 2011, contact me to discuss if coaching would help you get there.


Celebrate Your Accomplishments in 2010


Writing with an Accent


  1. Hi Elisa, Resiliency is the key. Congratulations on bouncing back with new ideas and new goals. You are a wonderful role model for us all. Happy New Year! Eileen

  2. Elisa Balabram

    Hi Eileen,
    Thank you! Happy New Year!


  3. Lynn

    Great tips, Elisa...thanks for sharing from the heart so others can learn from your own path of self-growth and feel they can stick to the path despite some curves in the road. All the best with your future book, too!

    • Elisa Balabram

      Thank you, Lynn. I'm looking forward to following your own adventures as well!

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